Role: Graphic Designer
Target Audience: College Students
Client: Vowe Electronics
Skills: Social Media Design
What is the business?: Vowe Electronics is an Eco-friendly recycling business that helps people get rid of their electronics safely and efficiently.
Problem: The problem that Vowe electronics had was advertising for its brand, so people in the public can know who Vowe is and what they do.
Solution: The team and I came up with an idea by hosting an event on Earth Day called the Earth Day Drive so people can recycle their electronics and get a better idea of how the process works. This came with Digital advertisements on social media and other media outlets to promote the event.
Instagram Ad
When I was designing for Instagram I really wanted to incorporate the brand esthetics that Vowe has like the typeface and color but at the same time add so new elements to this by adding an image of a plant sprouting out of an electronic device in the background. This is a good way to let people know who Vowe is and what they are doing.

Student Newsletter Ad
This ad was for the communication department newsletter at Columbia College Chicago. This was shown to students, faculty, and staff every Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Communication Newsletter Ad
Columbia Chronicle Website Ad
This ad was made for the Columbia Chronicle Website utilizing the same design from the Instagram post. This serves the purpose of targeting students from Columbia College Chicago and also this shows that the design that was made for Instagram can be transferred over to other media platforms as well.

Columbia Chronicle Website Ad

Event Landing Page
If anybody goes to the website that was being shown on the digital advertisements it will take them to the event landing page on the Vowe website. This serves the purpose of giving the viewer more information on what the event is going to be about.

Landing Page

Earth Day Drive Highlights
This shows the results from the Earth Day Drive and shows how we updated the Vowe website with new information.
Event Results
This is the data that came from his website about the number of people who went on to his website during and after the event.